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Sutta Nipata V.16


Pingiya's Question

Translated from the Pali by John D. Ireland

For free distribution only,
by arrangement with the Buddhist Publication Society

Read an alternate translation


The Venerable Pingiya: "I am old and feeble, the comeliness of youth has vanished. My sight is weak and I am hard of hearing. I do not wish to perish whilst still confused. Teach me the Dhamma by understanding which I may abandon birth and decay."[1]

The Lord: "Seeing heedless people afflicted and suffering through their bodies, Pingiya, you should be heedful and renounce body so as to not come again to birth."

Pingiya: "In the ten directions -- the four quarters, four between, and those above and below -- there is nothing in the world not seen, heard, sensed or understood by you. Teach me the Dhamma by understanding which I may abandon birth and decay."

The Lord: "Seeing men caught in craving, Pingiya, tormented and afflicted by old age, you should be heedful and renounce craving so as to not come again to birth."

-- vv. 1120-1123


1. Jara: decay, decrepitude, old age. [Go back]

Source: ATI - For Free Distribution Only, as a Gift of Dhamma.

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Tolerance and Diversity by Bhikkhu Bodhi

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